

Looking to expand your freight agent business and join a company with excellent credentials and financial backing? Brock logistics is one of the fastest growing freight companies in the industry today.

Core values the company was founded upon

Commissions and finances

We like to keep policies as simple and transparent as possible. We do not charge any administrative fees and pay straight commission on every dollar’s margin. There are no hidden costs or commitments as well as no start up fees. We wont ask you to pay anything up front to start up or charge you monthly fees to use our brand.

Credibility and finances

We have won awards for our credibility and financial strength. Brock Logistics provides platform from which you can grow your business and create your own solid platform for you, your family and employees.

Brock logistics is a family owned and operated company

Brock logistics is a family owned and operated company and is a brand that’s recognized for integrity. We following through with our commitments to our agents, customers, and carriers.




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